Saturday, April 2, 2016

Moving Past the Easy Stuff

As a celebration for reaching number 10, I have decided to explore some live coded visual artistic things. Blogging has been very reflective for me and exploring technology is fun, but I think more than reading and reflecting, sometimes it is important to see and marvel at what code can create.

So here, let's take a look at some pretty cool animations on a couple websites:

These animations are made with HTML, CSS, and more importantly JavaScript. Although these look complicated, in reality, they are quite simple if one takes some time to learn JavaScript. The biggest advantage of taking the time to learn Html, CSS, and Javascript is that it gives you more control and reign on creating what your heart desires. Drag and Drop applications and programming such as Scratch limit you because you interact with a middle man in order to do an action. Someone has to add another feature to the middle man before another feature is available. But with tiny tinkering of code and gradual understanding of how they interact, more unique things from your imagination can be created. It's like for example taking an image off Google Image instead of creating or modifying a preexisting image for something that resembles an image. What you tinker with will most likely come out more desirable than the unmodified image from Google Images.

This is not limited to art however. Sometimes, you want to reveal you ideas in a presentation.
Reveal JS is a library dedicating to making more unique presentations. Yes Powerpoint and Prezi get the job done, but with Reveal JS you can make letters grow, different transitions, and and even a progress bar. It's a different feel and more flexibility which means more possibilities. However, it is notable that Prezi and Powerpoint can be just enough for your presentation. But if you want to deviate and make a presentation that pops because it is different. Reveal JS is a javascript library that can make that pretty easy.

Or maybe you want to impress your audience with some 3D complexity?
In Javascript, with open source Impress JS, you can get just that with zoom in and out features. Features that would never be possible in standard Powerpoint.

And of course, any personal website could be improved with a simple CSS3 animation or javascript.
Or maybe even some marquee tag. But, hey, whether you will use it or not, I thought I might just share with you so you as a reader can just look at just what incredible improvements Javascript, CSS animation, and ultimately code can do to a static boring website. Just a little code here and there can elevate your art, design, music, website, or any creation to the next level!

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