Monday, April 25, 2016

Chang Hyeon Lee blog 28

Nowadays, Internet world is very wide and many information on the web and this world is still progressive. In the offline world, there are thieves. These thieves steal peoples’ important stuff. For preventing these thieves illegal behavior, police make the security stronger and try to know how thieves steal people’s stuff. Likewise in the online world, there are hackers. These hackers steal people’s important information and then they sell the information to others who try to use the information badly. For preventing hacker’s illegal behavior, security protectors recruit white hackers, computer security specialist. Speakers said that hackers help us to make more strong security system. They broke the security system and show that how this security system so weak and then people can build up the more useful system. I agree with this idea, hackers know how to break the system and try to break the system what people are using on the web. So if people use them as white hackers who build up the more strong security system, people must use their advantage. The online world is huge and still developing that means its’ code on the web is very complicated. So people need more specialist about hacking and hackers.

Hacking should be treated as an illegal activity is the wrong idea. If Hackers use hacking as an illegal behavior, that’s the illegal activity. However if they use hacking to get the criminals’ information and stop criminal’s crime, that’s the legal activity. People need to see ‘how to use hacking’ and not only ‘hacking’. In Asian old saying, "If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles." People want to protect their system, they need to know the hackers and add value the hacking. 


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