Saturday, April 2, 2016

3D Printing Pens

Many of us have heard of 3D printing, but not all of us have heard of the 3D printing pen. A pen that literally makes plastic from what you draw. Of course this is limited as there is no backspace or any room for error, but there are things that fundamentally are easier to draw in real 3D space rather than a fake 3D space of that in a computer. Here is a video of some of the top 4 printing pens:
Make an Eiffel Tower, make that last minute sculpture gift for a little kids, make a toy. There are many things a 3d printing pen can do, and creating fanatic art are just some of it. 

But it is not just art and sculptures that can easily be made with the 3d printing pen. Look below at the amazing textures that can be drawn onto a dress with such technology.

It is not as powerful as SketchUp or Blender that can actually make 3D objects to a precise scale, but sometimes art is less about precision, but about the spur of the moment strokes and outbursts of energy and emotion. In addition, this technology is less time consuming as the printing happens not the spot, and it does not take hours and days for the plastic to render in its final form. Rather it takes only a matter of minutes. 

This pen not only has the ability to create more unique art, but also allow for kids to draw in 3D space. Why is this important? It just adds another dimension to the world of drawing. And for any kid and even any adult, why not another dimension of space to draw something? 

Here is another video with more 3D printing pen art!!!  

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