Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Why I spend so much money on my battlestation

My battle-station is my pride and joy. For the uninitiated–when I say battle-station I mean my computer set up. For me, that’s my 15” maxed out retina Macbook Pro, two external 1080p 1ms response time monitors, my custom mechanical keyboard, my custom printed mouse pad, my gaming mouse, my xbox 360 and xbox one, my astro a40s headset and mix amp, my numerous Rubik’s cubes, robotics medals and Marvel bobbleheads. A lot of people will think this is overkill, and they’re probably right. I’d like to avoid explicitly calculating how much money I’ve spent on it. But to me, no matter what that number is, it was worth it. For one, I’m extremely productive while working on it. Programming with a pleasurable keyboard, a good audio setup for music, and plenty of screen real estate makes for efficient coding. However, that doesn’t explain why I’ve put hours and hours into cable management and devotes lots of time and money into purely ascetic parts of the setup. The honest answer is that I enjoy it. It’s something I take pride in and every time I use it, I know why I put the time into it. I also think it’s worth noting that I’m getting an insane money : time enjoy ratio. A lot of people will play 300 bucks for some clothing that they will wear for a few hours. I’ll die before my keyboard does (although, that doesn’t mean I won’t be upgrading it). 

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