A paperless leaning system- that was my high schools motto during my last year there. It was such a silly idea. The concept was to prohibit notebooks, textbooks, pens, and pencils. Everything was done on the iPad, and only the iPad. The question is, does it work? Let me answer that quickly, no it doesn’t.
First of all, how is a student suppose to efficiently work out long division without a pen and paper? It’s easy, just use the calculator! But, then when does the student actually learn how to do such rudimentary math skills? I guess he doesn’t. We need our mathematicians to know how to do such techniques.
Second of all, typing is difficult on a touch screen. It’s tough to take a timed test, especially an essay test, when the student has to tap a screen repeatedly to write an essay.
Third of all, the blue light on a computer screen is not healthy for a student’s eyes, especially when he has to read his textbook daily with such a detrimental health hazard.
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