Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Blog #19 - Block Chains

Block Chain Revolution
               Since the Block Chain’s introduction during the release of Bitcoin, the block chain has garnered massive interest by technology giants such as IBM, Microsoft, Citi Group and JP Morgan Chase. This attention is well deserved as the block chain is an elegant solution for two major problems that have plagued the finance industry, tamper-proof recording of transaction data and transparency of information along with privacy of consumers.

               Block chains work by recording just the transaction amount of consumers on a publicly available document in “blocks”. These blocks can be as big or as small as the creator desires but each block is directly related to the last meaning if one person alters something in the chain, the information become out of sync and that block is removed since it was altered and the original information is left intact using the data from other computers.
               We will see this technology being applied in many industries over the next few years, from banking transactions to cloud computing, since the growth of block chain is being pushed so hard. In fact Microsoft has just announced it is hosting a Hackathon solely for block chain technology development, Consensus 2016.

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