Sunday, April 24, 2016

Online HW

         I'm sorry to anyone taking chemistry and got a slight heart attack from the image above! Lately, schools have been moving more and more academic material online. From posting additional study material, to updating the syllabus/homework, the internet seems to be becoming adults' favorite medium too. Maybe the finally understand why teens and children are always on their phone and laptops...or maybe they know we live on the web so they post things there to get our attention?

        Either way, I remember getting homework sheets at the end of class in middle school, to having the homework being posted (what page number, problem number, and what not) on each class's website in high school, to now have my actual assignments on and only available online. No more paper; just typing to input my answers. Of course, such is a great step for protecting our environment with less paper being used, but as I alluded to earlier, online assignments are the absolute worst. Programs, such as Aleks, don't always understand that 1/2 is the same as 0.5, therefore we get the answer "wrong." It drives everyone nuts because we all know that if our professors were grading it instead, we wouldn't have lost x amount of points. I wish that a student's performance/grade/education came before the grading convenience these programs give professors. Sigh.

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