Saturday, April 23, 2016

Infinite Battery Life?

Society relies on technology, therefore, research into better "fuel" for our many electronic devices has been a task for many scientists recently. The nanowire battery, invented by the University of California, Irvine, it the perfect battery for electric storage and transmission, due to its high conductivity. It has a much longer life span, being able to be charged up to hundreds of thousands of times, creating the possibility of stepping away from disposable batteries. The only problem was that since they are extremely thin, they fracture easily and lose its capacity with every charge. Luckily, Mya Le Thai found the solution!

She found that just by coating the nanobattery with gel, it now can be charged up to 200,000 times without breaking or losing its capacity. With more and more research into extending battery life, it makes you wonder what would happen if a battery could live on infinitely...would we ever get off our cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc.?

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