The Microsoft HoloLens is now available for developers. The HoloLens allows the user to see augmented reality when put on. Similar technology has been created before but Microsoft is trying to generate interest in the HoloLens which might slowly make its way to mainstream. The HaloLens reminds me of the Oculus Rift which is made for virtual reality. Augmented reality is the mix of reality and virtual reality and the uses for augmented reality are plentiful. Augmented reality is useful because it can be used to read and display reality in different ways.
One way I see augmented reality being used is for the deaf. It would be very useful for words that are being picked up to be displayed on the screen. Another use could be as a guiding system. I am horrible with direction but was lucky enough to have access to the Maps app on my phone. I can't imagine the time it would take to use a map to reach my destinations. HoloLens could be the next step highlighting the path that will allow me to reach my destination. The ways to use a HoloLens for fun and games are even more numerous. Okay, enough with the pros. What are the problems? Well for sure I would hope any app that uses augmented reality be debugged and not have errors. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to walk into a wall because a bug in the app 'erased it'. This problem is laughable on a small scale but can grow dangerous quickly. Unlike virtual reality where you are hopefully stationary augmented reality has many more variables dealing with the real world.
More pro and cons will become apparent as it becomes developed but as of now the HoloLens looks to be a thought out. Getting rid of all the wires that could get in the way of your experience and packed with cameras microphones and powerful display devices will enhance the user experience. Currently it is placed a $3000 which is a sign that it is still in the stage of development and targeting a more specific group of people. I could not afford one but as development continues and technology improves the price could drop.
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