Sunday, April 3, 2016

Jin Ha Choi - #13blog

     I like to introduce my favorite website Naver. Naver is a popular sponsored advertisement portal in South Korea, owned by Naver Corporation. Naver was launched in June 1999 by ex-Samsung employees, and it debuted as the first Web portal in South Korea that used its own proprietary search engine. It also provides Internet services including a news service, an e-mail service, an academic thesis search service, and a children's portal. In 2005, Naver launched Happybean, the world's first online donation portal, which allows users to find information and make donations to over 20,000 civil society and social welfare organizations. According to comScore, Naver received 2 billion queries in August 2007, accounting for over 70% of all search queries in Korea, and making it the fifth most used search engine in the world, following Google search, Yahoo!, Baidu and Bing. website price Naver Domain

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