Hover board
The first time I saw a hover board, it reminded me of the movie Wall.E and how the people were so obese they couldn't even walk. I think the hover board is just an invention made for extremely lazy people. I found it quite funny whenever I saw someone using one because they are not really that fast, compare to skateboard, so there isn't really a big difference between someone walking and someone using a hover board. Also they are so dangerous, like they catch fire for no reason. I'm glad that people are not allowed to go on the streets with them. People should just walk, be more healthier.
Image Source: http://a5.files.maxim.com/image/upload/c_fit,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTM1MTQ1NDE1NzAzMzA0Njcw.jpg
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