Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Graphing Calculators

I never had a graphing calculator until this semester of college. I always used scientific calculators throughout high school and throughout the first semester of college. I never really had interest in using a graphing calculator until I realized it would be extremely helpful for my stats class this semester. Basically everything we do in stats involves our graphing calculators, however the problems are able to be completed without a graphing calculator as well. But using a graphing calculator is extremely useful because it literally gives u all the equations and you just plug numbers in. All you need to memorize is the order of the numbers you need to enter in each equation. You obtain answers in 5 seconds, as opposed to 5 minutes by doing it by hand. This is really beneficial for us when we take exams, because we have 75 question exams. I can’t really imagine doing math without a graphing calculator now, and I don’t really want to imagine my stats class without the luxury of a graphing calculator. 

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