Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Fractured Feminism

Yesterday night I was researching on the 2016 elections, particularly the Democratic party. We all know that the two major forces in the Democratic party are Clinton and Sanders. Frankly, I was researching on why don't some women vote for Clinton. What I found was a lot more in depth than just gender. Major difference lies in age. Perhaps you've realized this, but the 2016 election proved to be more than just running for presidency. It have struck feminism: the millennials vs. seniors. Many people who support Sanders are in the ages between 36 to 18 (give or take); while Clinton's support are ages 40 and up. This meaning more college women would choose Sanders over Clinton. The first thing that comes to minds is political views. Many young adult believe that Sanders's campaign is really beneficial. Why? Sanders promised to raise minimum wage to $15 an hour and promised free college education in public schools. These two are very important for many students that are fighting in poverty. Women who stands behind Clinton actively condemns the women who stands for Sanders. "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women" and claims about young women support Sanders because women just want to meet guys. I, a 20 years old woman, find these remarks very insulting and vulgar. Other women around the same age group as me also find this very insulting. The fact that we should vote for a person just because that person happens to be the same sex as me is sexist. Just in case you're wondering, I don't support neither Clinton nor Sanders, and definitely don't support the Republican candidates. I researched that many of the older women vote for Clinton, not only because she is a woman, but also many people want to see the first female president before they die. They also argue that we, younger women, take granted of the many privileges that older women, like Clinton, have fought for. Now, due to this election, there is a split between the perspectives of young and old women. Remember, I am merely a person who's presenting an issue. I am not trying to influence or sway your vote.

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