Saturday, April 2, 2016

Blog #16 "Tesla Model 3"

           I’ve always said that electric cars are irrelevant and that the ability to charge up would only come from your house. However, with the unveiling of the new, affordable Tesla Model 3 sedan, this car changes my whole perspective. The big thing that catches my eye is the price. $35,000 for a Tesla modeled car with the amount of innovations that are included with it are blowing my mind. Currently, you are able to reserve this car for $1000 until they start shipping out in later 2017.

            One of the coolest features on the Model 3 is its new dashboard, or should I say lack thereof. The dashboard is essentially a huge touchscreen iPad that is on the middle area of the front of the car. It can display a huge map of locations, how fast you are going, weather and much, much more. Not only does it have the dashboard, but one full charge can bring a person 215 miles on charge. THAT IS RIDICULOUS!!! Tesla’s CEO has gone on record to say that he wants to double the amount of charging stations where that you are able to charge up to 80% of battery within 30 minutes at a station. This car is something that I would consider investing into and buying.

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