Friday, April 1, 2016

Blog 15- Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Photo creds to me

Horseshoe Bend, which was named “horseshoe bend” because its shape was so. Horseshoe Bend is located in Page, Arizona, in the United States. The overlook of bend is 4,200 feet above sea level, and the Colorado River is at 3,200 feet above sea level, making it a 1,000-foot drop.
I went to Horseshoe Bend during Spring Break with my friend Joon Hee. I expected to go to the Horseshoe Bend the most because when I saw the picture, it was so amazing and something I never had seen. A big, circle-shaped meander was colored differently under the sunlight. Some parts of the meander was greenish, and some parts was yellowish, and some parts was blue.
Joon Hee and I were trying to walk along the cliff to see the bend, but it was so steep to go near the cliff. I was almost crawling down to see the cliff. Also, there was a sandstorm with the very strong, coarse wind hitting us. I never had hit by sandstorm, which was really hurt… I’m not joking, but it was worth visiting the Horseshoe Bend.

I recommend all of you to go to the bend, because it will tell you how and why the nature is great and awesome. 

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