Saturday, April 30, 2016
I recently discover an animated show called Rick and Morty. I am addicted to it. The show pushes the boundaries of what science can do. On the surface, the show seems to be targeting to kids adventures and gadgets, but every episode is food for thought. Rick, the crazy intelligent scientist travels and jumps between dimensions. Many times the producers played with the idea of time and different possible of what can occur, linking back to the String Theory. Anything is possible. All of our actions are guided by statistics. The possibility of you not going to work or school is lower than the possibility that you do. While the possibility that you drink water this instance verse not drinking water is 50/50. Once the factor of temperature comes into play the percentages shifts. You will most likely to drink water in a hot summer day.
I don’t usually like to talk about religion, because people get offended easily. I don’t believe in any religion, but I won’t say that I am an atheist because that’s little extreme. There is no evidence to prove or disprove the idea of higher power controlling our lives. Therefore I am just in between. But one day, I suddenly developed a thought to explain to myself of why some people are so devoted on an “imaginary being”. If you are someone who is very committed to their church, I recommend you to stop reading here, otherwise I welcome to my Religion Theory. One day while watching the show, South Park, I had a thought that maybe religion or the idea of God or such a place as heaven or hell keeps people in their places. The fear of going to hell control the savage beast in every one of us. It compels us to become submissive and obedient civilized humans. When the world falls from calamities, religion is the only thing that keep a person from insanity. Right on the very edge is the line that differentiates chaos and madness from peace and reason. Religion becomes the ropes that the person can use to drag themselves back to the area of peace and reason. In the story of the Greek myth, Pandora’s Box. After Pandora opens the box and let all the evil into the world, the only thing that was left was just hope. In reality when a person faces problems, conflicts, and dilemma the only thing that person can do is hope. If you disagree and found yourself insulted, all I can say is fin. I will not apologize. And I want to cordially remind you that this is only a THEORY.
Body Image
Over the course of years, people have become more accepting of body fat. We created the phrase “fat shaming” on social media on anyone who mock other base on their body size. Now the idea of skinny, lean, or thin have subsequently build a bad connotation. People use phrases “You should be happy. You’re not fat. The media have distorted body image”. Before I go any further I want to say that I always believe that a person should strive for the body that they want if they are not happy just make sure to lose weight in the correct way, which is through healthy diet and routine exercise. “Hey, if you want that Victoria Secret body, then go for it”. But you have to know that you have to eat healthy and exercise not skipping meals. I’ve seen people who weighs 400 lbs. or so, still holding fried chicken next to their mouth. THAT IS NOT HEALTHY!!! They are on the verge of dying from diabetes. There’s a difference in telling someone, who weighs 150 lbs., to lose weight and telling someone, who weighs 400 lbs., to lose weight. The latter is not consider as fat shaming; that person will definitely die if they don’t change. Their lives are at risk. The Government produced the BMI for general public to understand the average weight based on height and age. Unless you have a medical condition, you should not be weighting 500 lbs.
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`Oscar Wilde’s novel, “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” is directed by Kristine Leadbetter in the Staller Center of Stony Brook University. It is a famous novel about a man, Dorian Gray, who is a main character of the novel don’t get age for a long time with keeping his own secret which is he doesn’t get the age on his body, but his portrait gets age on behalf Dorian Gray’s real body. Therefore for keeping his secret, he commits a crime and his portrait get the age with ugly facial appearance. So he stabs his portrait by a knife, but when the servants come up to look the Dorian’s room, they see one ugly old man who is stabbed with the knife alongside Dorian Gray’s beautiful portrait. I saw this novel when I was young, I know the story, but I never see the play. The play, which is played by students is wonderful and the actors show great performance.
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I think telephone conversations should not be allowed on airplanes except emergency situation. Normally, when we are taking the airplane, we should turn off the phone, for not interrupting airplane’s departure. So too much using Wi-Fi service, can effect on antenna signal. Also today’s many people couldn’t live without smart phone, so if Wi-Fi service on air plane is generalized, all the people in the air plane would use the service and it would interrupt other passengers’ trip.
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can be used during the flights on the U.S territories. Transmitter of the airplane work with a ground station so it makes Wi-Fi could work on the airplane. There are currently two methods in use, Airplane Wi-Fi and Satellite communication. Many airplane provide Wi-Fi service with small fee. Transmitters communicate with the ground station through a satellite connection or using radio waves. Satellite communication use satellite antenna on the air plane and connect with satellite around the earth and ground station on the earth.
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