Monday, March 28, 2016

Music Gloves

In class we shown a ted talk video of Imogen Heap. She was demonstrating these gloves that make a sound with different movements. The concept of it is, she playing the beats of the song through the gloves. The different movements make different sounds. Imogen Heap actually made a music video using the gloves. The whole concept of it is good but I don’t think this will be good for every artist. Her movements were soft and slow, and it went with her music, but that doesn’t go with every artist. If an artist with an intense and fast song, those movements won’t look good. And looking at the technology I don’t think the gloves will work really good with fast songs. Also it doesn't look that good now but it definitely looks better than it did when they first made it. I know soon that it will look better and get better. I know that once they get this fixed all the artist will be using it. 

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